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Fitness Apps

Get up, close and personal with the innovative, multi-featured mobile fitness apps we have worked on. We have several apps related to healthy living and nutrition as well.

Azion Team Challenge
Team Activity Management App

Azion Wellness is a multi-featured mobile team activity management app (iOS/Android). It offers a vast array of customizable features, and has many exciting activity challenges for the users to participate.

Lifestyle app

DBT is a comprehensive, multi-layered iPhone self-help application. Right from creating lists of skills and crisis/problems and updating them on a daily basis, to tracking key health parameters - the app lets users perform a wide range of tasks.

Motivational App

HelloMind is a multi-featured mobile self-motivation app, conceptualized by Jacob Strachotta, and available on the iOS and Android platforms. It helps users identify the root cause of their problems, and provides personalized audio treatment sessions and boosters.
