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Calltosearch is a dedicated Android local guide and mobile helpdesk app. Users can call knowledgeable and well-trained agents right from the app - to get their queries resolved. Calls can also be rated by people.

Calltosearch App By Teksmobile

What do you do when you need some information about any place? You go online, and look up the details on Google, right? Wouldn’t it be that much faster, more convenient, and also more reliable - if you could simply put a voice call through, and have a real human being...a live, well-trained operator...respond to your queries? Of course it would, and that’s precisely what the unique Calltosearch mobile app is all about. With this app, users never have to feel ‘lost’...wherever they might be.

So, What Exactly Is Calltosearch?

Having a guide on a 24x7 basis at all places is neither feasible nor an affordable option for travelers in particular...and practically anyone in general. I was excited by the way Calltosearch was capable of serving as a veritable mobile helpdesk for everyone. This, I thought, was an app any person can use.

In a nutshell, Calltosearch is a holistic local guide app, designed for the Android platform. Detailed, regularly updated local databases, are maintained within the application. People can call the agents or operators, specify their queries, and get things resolved quickly and satisfactorily.

From the very start, I knew that the app had the potential of delivering value to people and emerge as a success. The point of concern was about finding an app development partner who could do justice to the idea. Let’s just say, Team Teks made me more than happy!

How To Get On Calltosearch?

When a person is looking for some information quickly, the last thing he or she wants to do is filling up a lengthy registration form. Calltosearch keeps things nice and quick here...with the onboarding taking up only a few seconds. No lags whatsoever.

Precious little time has to be wasted while signing in on this top-class local guide app. People can log in with their unique email and password combo. Social media login (Facebook) feature is also available.

After registering him/herself on the app, users have to set up their profile section with the requisite details. After that, things are set to start getting in touch with the local guides (agents) available on the platform.

How To Contact Agents On Calltosearch?

As the name itself suggests, this Android application is all about enabling people call knowledgeable local guides - in their bid to search for specific information. There is a dedicated ‘call’ button - which, when tapped, redirects the user to a separate calling screen. The conversation takes place from here. There is also the option of sending chat messages to the inbox of agents. Agents are available round-the-clock...so that callers can get the info they are looking for at any time, and from anywhere.

The app allows users to either call up an agent, or start chatting. In case a voice call is placed, an agent from the locality of the caller...and of course, online at the time of the call...is connected. A history of all the previous helpdesk contacts can also be viewed on Calltosearch.

Can Calls Be Rated On Calltosearch?

When you call any customer care number and have a chat with an executive, you are requested to provide a feedback on the call quality. Calltosearch follows the same underlying principle. The ratings from the caller helps us identify rooms of improvement in our services.

For sure. After a voice conversation is complete, the user can rate the call on the basis of key parameters (expertise, helpfulness, information accuracy, behaviour, etc.). Comments (i.e., call feedback) can be left as well. These ratings serve two main purposes - they record the experience/satisfaction levels of callers, and they also help in improving the services of the app (and the expertise of the agents) further.


Agents can also rate the callers after voice calls. These ratings become visible on the profile screen of the user.

Can In-App Notifications Be Customized?

Calltosearch is an app that is meant to be used by people in just the way they want. For instance, notifications can be toggled to off or on, from the settings screen. The screens and interfaces are intuitively designed, and the controls are uniformly user-friendly. This app aces the personalization factor in a big way.

During the development of the Calltosearch application, we made it a point to get valuable inputs from the client at various stages. The focus was on ensuring that the app in its final form was exactly as it had originally been conceptualized. The detailed initial sketches and wireframes helped immensely in this.


What Is The Source For The Local Guide Database?

You need local information of practically any type...and Calltosearch is right there to help you out. The regularly updated databases in the desktop app makes sure that all different types of user queries can be satisfactorily answered by the operators.

This desktop local information database has robust security features, ruling out any possibilities of unauthorized access or data theft.

Embedded Technologies In CalltoSearch

The latest voice telephony technologies and service protocols have been used in this information-rich application. The Linphone VoIP SIP SDK has been integrated for voice calls, chatting, as well as maintaining the underlying server system. Voice clarity during calls is almost always of the highest order. Special training sessions were organized for our Android developers working on the project - so that they could utilize other useful tools and technologies in the application seamlessly.

Just as we had done in two other recent projects...MAPT and Eventify...the Dreamfactory package was used for creating the email login section of Calltosearch. The backend API support for the app had to be strong, and DF was a big help for that.

The development phase of Calltosearch is complete, and it is currently being tested by our in-house team. This Android application helps people stay in the loop at all times...simply by ‘calling to search’ information!

